For SCC EVENTS, the issue of sustainability in sports doings is important. We understand that sport interacts with the environment. Thus, environmental protection is a matter of the heart for our company. In 2018, we made the decision to implement our efforts in a traceable and structured way by introducing a management system. Our choice fell on the environmental management system EMAS.
Introduction of EMAS at SCC EVENTS
For our project "Introduction of EMAS at SCC EVENTS and validation of BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2019" (project duration: 03/2019 to 03/2020 ), both the office location and the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON location were successfully certified in 2019. The project "Introduction of EMAS at SCC EVENTS and validation BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2019" (project duration: 03/2019 to 03/2020 ) was funded in the Berlin Program for Sustainable Development (BENE) with funds from the European Fund for Regional Development and the State of Berlin (funding code 1255-B3-B).
Our GREEN LINE for sports and environmental protection
Unfortunately, we had to suspend our EMAS registration in 2020. In 2021 we were successfully revalidated by the environmental verifier. The certification by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce took place in autumn 2022. Further information about our efforts within the BMW BERLIN_MARATHON can be found here. Our GREEN LINE also provides news as well as interesting facts about sustainability in sports doings at SCC EVENTS.